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International News

AI ‘Hallucinated’ Fake Legal Cases Allegedly Filed To B.C. Court In Canadian First

July 27, 2024 posted by Steve Brownstein

A B.C. courtroom is believed to be the site of Canada’s first case of artificial intelligence inventing fake legal cases.
Lawyers Lorne and Fraser MacLean told Global News they discovered fake case law submitted by the opposing lawyer in a civil case in B.C. Supreme Court.
“The impact of the case is chilling for the legal community,” Lorne MacLean, K.C., said.
“If we don’t fact check AI materials and they are inaccurate it can lead to an existential threat for the legal system: people waste money, courts waste resources and tax dollars, and there is a risk that the judgments will be erroneous, so it’s a huge deal.”
AI chatbots like ChatGPT are known to sometimes make up realistic sounding but incorrect information, a process known as “hallucination.”
The problem has already crept into the U.S. legal system, where several incidents have surfaced — embarrassing lawyers, and raising concerns about the potential to undermine confidence in the legal system.

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