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International News

Background Check Firms Find Zero Hit Ratio With Local Police Search In India

December 31, 1969 posted by Steve Brownstein

One joke in India is you can find a criminal record on any politician but you can not find one on an job applicant or employee.

Why's that?
Did you know that most large companies in India will not even do criminal checks anymore?
Why's that?
Simply put - It is the local police check.

 Local police simply do not have the resources to perform a proper check.
And historically background check companies in India provided local police checks.

What is a local police check?
It is a check of that police station's records for an arrest at that station. That's it. No more. But sometimes less.
Some police stations do not have full time staff trained to manage police records.
So the question is:
Why perform a local police check?
Large Indian companies are pretty smart. They are not keen to spending money where there are no results.
But in the defense of India background screening companies; they (the screening companies) say that the large companies will not spend the money on a legitimate check either.
So in the meantime the majority of  local police checks being sold are to U.S. companies.
Why's that?


CrimeFX performs criminal record searches in Puerto Rico

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