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Bangkok Lower Prices by Straightline International

February 02, 2020 posted by Steve Brownstein

Bangkok Lower Prices by Straightline International

Bangkok Provincial (District) Court Bangkok 45.99

Bangkok South 45.99

Thon Buri 45.99

Min Buri 45.99

Tailang Chan 45.99

Phra Khanong 45.99

Municipal Court Bangkok North 45.99

Bangkok South 45.99

Thon Buri 45.99

Dusit 45.99

Pathumwan 45.99

Courts Served Provincial Court - In Bangkok, Courts of first instance handling criminal cases depends on a district where an offence has been committed, alleged or believed to have been committed, or where an accused resides or is arrested or where an inquiry official conducts an inquiry.

Municipal Courts - (Kwaeng) Criminal cases fallen in the jurisdiction must deal with the criminal offence punishable with a maximum of three years imprisonment, or fine not exceeding 60,000 baht or both. The primary function of Municipal Courts is to dispose of small cases quickly.

TAT is 2-4 DAYS

Other Bangkok costs Civil from 114

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