International News
CRB (Engalnd) Gets Raves From Public In New Survey
July 01, 2012 posted by Steve Brownstein
Earlier this year, the CRB commissioned Ipsos Mori (a market research company) to conduct two strands of customer research to find out what registered bodies and applicants thought of our service.
The results of the research are extremely positive, some of the key findings include:
applicant satisfaction with the overall experience of the CRB is at an all time high of 92% (62% very satisfied)
registered body satisfaction remains extremely high at 93% (with 45% being very satisfied)
almost 9 in 10 applicants (89%) say the CRB is making a positive difference in protecting children and vulnerable adults in this country
more than 9 out of 10 organisations say CRB checks improves their ability to protect children and vulnerable adults
there is overwhelming support from registered bodies and applicants for CRB checks on those working with children or vulnerable adults in a voluntary or paid capacity