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International News

Confused About Canada Criminal Record Checks (PartII)?

November 18, 2019 posted by Steve Brownstein

What comes back from a CPIC search?
13.10 When the CNI/CRS query identifies a criminal record that matches to the criminal record information declared by the Applicant:
"Based solely on the name(s) and date of birth provided and the criminal record information declared by the applicant, a search of the RCMP National Repository of Criminal Records has resulted in a possible match to a registered criminal record. Positive identification that a criminal record does or does not exist at the RCMP National Repository of Criminal Records can only be confirmed by fingerprint comparison. As such, the criminal record information declared by the applicant does not constitute a Certified Criminal Record by the RCMP. Delays do exist between a conviction being rendered in court, and the details being accessible on the RCMP National Repository of Criminal Records. Not all offences are reported to the RCMP National Repository of Criminal Records."
What comes back from a court search?
Case number, Name found on index, Identifiers on record, Date files, charges, date of disposition, disposition, sentence.

CrimeFX performs criminal record searches in Puerto Rico

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