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Coronavirus Domino-Effect On Background Check Services

March 15, 2020 posted by Steve Brownstein

We can't run from it. We can't hide from it. 
Government services are being affected - one of them being our access to courts.
The effect of this is chilling.
As we scramble to put all this in order please be reminded that for decades we didn't have online access to court records.
We had to (and will have to) sooner or later reach the courts via telephone, fax, email, snail mail...
As turnaround time was then and still now is relevant, those choices may not seem ideal but they worked.
They can work for you. 
You might be understaffed. The volume (and your backlog) might seem overwhelming.
If I can help in any way give me a call (+1-670-287-1186) or contact me at this link:
Working together we can get through this.

CrimeFX performs criminal record searches in Puerto Rico

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