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Drug "Kingpin' Bust: Defendants' records revealed

August 02, 2016 posted by Steve Brownstein

Accused heroin trafficker Terrence "Money" Wise had at least two run-ins with Broome County police in drug cases going back 12 years and spent time in prison, before he was charged Thursday under the state's drug "kingpin" law.
The law was created in 2009, and in order to be charged, officials say, a defendant is accused of operating as a director of a controlled-substance organization or a profiteer.
Before Wise was arrested by county narcotics investigators in 2010 and 2004, he had already run afoul of the law on drug-related charges in New York City in 2001 and 1999, according to court records released Friday.
He served prison terms for three to six years and was placed on parole for his Broome County drug convictions, records show. Thursday's felony arrest has him facing a much more severe penalty of at least 15 years to life behind bars, if convicted of operating as a major trafficker.
Wise was among seven defendants rounded up Thursday following raids in what law enforcement officials described as one of the area's largest heroin busts. Police say 2,700 bags of heroin with a street value of $40,000 and nearly as much in cash from suspected drug sales were taken as evidence.
Authorities also arrested Jamie Krmenec, 25, of 506 Prescott Ave. in the Town of Union; David Mikulski, 35, of 105 Glenwood Ave. in Binghamton; Anthony Guccia, 30, of 506 Prescott Ave.; Christopher Clerveau, 32, of 106 Crescent Drive in Kirkwood; Karen Sadonis, 26, of 27 Squires Ave. in Endicott; and Cassandra Bennett, 24, of 59 Ethel St. in Johnson City. In addition to Wise, all were sent to the Broome County jail after pleading not guilty at their arraignments Thursday.

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