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International News

Improve Your Puerto Rico Criminal Background Record Checks

January 01, 2012 posted by Steve Brownstein

Provide Maiden Name To Speed Up Puerto Rico Criminal Background Searches

by Steven Brownstein, Puerto Rico's criminal background record retriever

If you want to speed up your Puerto Rico criminal background searches, especially for pre-employment screening, always include the Mother's maiden name of the subject requested.
You can't imagine the insanity of scrolling through hundreds or thousands of common names looking for, say, a date of birth that matches.

And anyway, the computer's database will 'time out' (freeze up) long before  you could complete the search.

Then you have to start again.

Best bet is to provide the Mother's maiden name.
Call Steven Brownstein at 1-670-256-7000 or by E-Mail  info@straightlineinternational.com


CrimeFX performs criminal record searches in Puerto Rico

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