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Kansas Chooses Online Records' Vendor
September 27, 2017 posted by Steve Brownstein
The Kansas Supreme Court announced that a vendor has been selected to provide a centralized case management system that is expected to make district and appellate case data statewide available online within the next three to four years.
The court selected the Odyssey Case Manager developed by Tyler Technologies of Plano, Texas, to provide a single web-based platform that will transform the way the state court system serves the people of Kansas, according to a news release from the Office of Judicial Administration. The project now moves into contract negotiations.
Odyssey was recommended by the eCourt Steering Committee, which was formed in 2015 to identify key requirements for the system and to review proposals made by vendors through competitive bids.
Installation of the system will complete the conversion from local, paper-driven processes to a statewide electronic one. It will provide attorneys, judges, and court personnel using an internet connection immediate access to authorized case information from across the state and enable web-based sharing of public information.
The 2014 Legislature established the Electronic Filing and Case Management Fund with deposits from docket fees dedicated to finalizing the efiling project and implementing centralized case management under the Supreme Court’s eCourt plan. By statute, each year through fiscal year 2019, the first $3.1 million received in docket fee revenue is deposited into the fund. In fiscal year 2020 and later years, the first $1 million in docket fee revenue is directed into the fund for maintenance.