Recently, at the NAPBS annual conference, the international committee met, about 20 attendees in all, to discuss the upcoming release of an RFP proposal template for USA companies to request international work.
Many foreign nationals were present, but most of the comments were from USA criminal record providers.
Two of them, and one pre-employment screening firm, even voted for allowing companies to claim non-existent offices, in other words, as one Lynwood, Washington international criminal record provider put it, "With companies we have affiliations with." The other record searching company voting in favor of listing fictitious offices was a Florida based company.
Straightline International's representative in attendance, Steven Brownstein, and the majority of those present were shocked and soundly voted down the proposal claiming that faking international presence would only taint our industry.
A look at one of the criminal record company's Web Site, the Lynwood, Washington based company in favor of non-existent offices as their own, lists just that on their Web Site - offices of other companies not theirs and temporary business offices as if they were their own.
Other proposals were changes to the Safe Harbor, privacy data, and information regulation questions.
Additionally, Bob Capwell and Barry Nixon, are to be commended as beacons of reason against outlandish proposals.
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