January 19, 2021 - A Southwest Missouri county is making it easier to connect with the county court online. Erik Theis, Jasper Co. Courts Admin, said, “Very intuitive, user friendly site where the public can get some information about their courts.” Content ranges from circuit clerk operations and how you can pay fines to court operations and how to file for child support. “There’s year-end reports, procedures of what to do about jury service. They can look up the court docket for the day. And any other announcements the court wants the public to know about; we’re really excited about that because we didn’t have that before.” Workers say it’s a bette...
January 18, 2021 - Less than a month after advocacy groups said they would sue Allegheny County if it did not provide electronic access to its criminal court proceedi...
September 16, 2020 - The coronavirus pandemic has led to inconvenience, unprecedented case backlogs and issues that the nation’s state courts haven’t faced...
September 08, 2020 - Proceedings are instituted in the name of the Queen in the Supreme Court and in the name of the Commissioner of Police in the Magistrate's Cour...
September 04, 2020 - Similar to the U.S. system, criminal activity in Mexico falls under either federal or state jurisdiction, but the Mexican system classifies crimina...
September 01, 2020 - By: Michael Gaul Ordinarily when we talk about a product or service, we focus on what it is. Features, benefits, advantages. We speak to what i...
August 27, 2020 - About the district courts The Netherlands is divided into eleven districts, each with its own court. Each court has a number of...
August 25, 2020 - After a management system overhaul, court records can once again be searched online, providing a quick and convenient way to access records and con...
August 19, 2020 - The Magistracy exercises original jurisdiction in relation to summary criminal matters. The Magistrates’ Courts also facilitate Preliminary I...
July 07, 2020 - For anyone who’s not a lawyer, accessing court records in Kansas is a headache. Depending on the type of court, successfully obtaining record...
May 13, 2020 - The coronavirus pandemic has brought misery, if not inconvenience, to the vast majority of the...
April 12, 2020 - Back in the 80's and 90's we had to call the courts. In the "old days" we didn't have internet or online access.&nb...
April 01, 2020 - Beware of companies advertising Cook County criminal records availability as Limited. There is no Cook County court access. The only limited...
March 11, 2020 - How Researchers Faked Cook County Results There was a lot of cheating going on doing Cook County criminal record searches in the ear...
March 09, 2020 - In Illinois, all unlicensed caregivers who directly handle patients or their records must be listed in the Health Care Worker Registry. ...
March 02, 2020 - Background Checks Failed To Catch RSCVA Ex-CEO DeLone’s History Of Harassment Suits Background checks on Phil DeLone, then a c...
March 02, 2020 - They Sub-Contract Their Work When asked how their various background searches missed two harassment lawsuits, Craig Lapham of The La...
February 27, 2020 - The city’s top watchdog agency is so behind in conducting background checks for new city employees that it doesn’t expect to catch up f...
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