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International News

Tutorial - Courts (Criminal) in Turkey

January 12, 2025 posted by Steve Brownstein

In Turkey, criminal cases are primarily prosecuted in a specialized system of courts. Here's a breakdown of the key players:

  • Sulh Ceza Mahkemeleri (Penal Courts of Peace): Handle minor offenses with penalties of less than two years imprisonment or fines.
  • Asliye Ceza Mahkemeleri (Penal Courts of First Instance): Deal with more serious crimes that fall outside the jurisdiction of the Sulh Ceza Mahkemeleri.
  • Ağır Ceza Mahkemeleri (Heavy Penal Courts): Handle the most severe crimes, including those involving organized crime, terrorism, and offenses punishable by ten years or more imprisonment. These courts have three judges.

2. Specialized Criminal Courts: For certain types of offenses, specialized courts exist:

  • Juvenile Courts: Handle crimes committed by individuals under 18 years old.
  • Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Courts: Deal with crimes related to intellectual property theft and infringement.

  3. Regional Courts of Appeal: These courts hear appeals from the first instance courts. They review cases for errors in law or procedure.

4. Court of Cassation (Yargıtay): This is the highest court of appeal in Turkey for criminal cases. It ensures the uniform application of the law and reviews cases for compliance with legal principles.  


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