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Why Would India Records researches Offer This Search To USA CRA's?

December 09, 2024 posted by Steve Brownstein

The "PGR Rewards Program" (Procuraduría General de la República) was an initiative of the Mexican government to offer rewards for information leading to the capture of drug trafficking leaders and other wanted criminals. In 2009, the PGR published a list of the 37 most wanted drug traffickers, offering rewards of up to 30 million pesos for each one.


However, the Attorney General's Office was replaced by the Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) in 2019. Currently, the FGR does not appear to maintain a similar rewards program on its official website. The information available on the pgr.gob.mx domain focuses on services such as asset declarations.

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, with no current references to a rewards program.


For up-to-date information on reward programs or wanted lists, it is recommended to consult the official website of the Attorney General's Office directly or contact the relevant authorities.

CrimeFX performs criminal record searches in Puerto Rico

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