Many pre-employment screening companies try to save a few dollars per criminal record search by taking the cheapest (and sometimes) the least favorable method of searching for criminal records.
Sad be the case in Puerto Rico.
Despite the efforts of Straightline International to educate the pre-employmeny screening companies about the efficacies and the flaws, of doing police clearances in Puerto Rico, many of these background check companies still persist in doing the 'next wrong thing.'
At Straightline International all Puerto Rico criminal record checks are put through a three part process exclusive to Starightline, called XR2.
Straightline is able to effectively provide this search to all pre-employment screening companies regardless of their size.
It has been shown that up to 50% more hits are found on the XR2 system than through conventional police clearance methiods.
Yet, companies persist in using the police exclusively.
It is this blogger's opinion if you are using a pre-employment screening company that is not using the XR2 Purto Rico search you should switch suppliers for Puerto Rico criminal record searches.
Straightline International's XR2 search is your solution.
Names will not be mentioned, unless a court deposition is needed, for this large pre-employment screening company, that has decided that it is a whole lot cheaper to use police clearances in Puerto Rico.
They might get away with this for a while. But do you pay pre-employment screening companies to 'get away' with anything?
I expect not.
At Straightline International, they mirror or spot check the searches requested for Puerto Rico police clearances with their XR2 search, mostly for statistical reporting, even if the background check company has requested a different type of search.
Recently a large (and I mean large) background check firm has reduced their number of searches for Puerto Rico, citing costs and profit margins, in favor of police clearances rather than XR2.
They know better than to skimp on the search.
What they (intenetionally forget), that is to inform the CEO, is that in the long run it is better to pay for the search done right the first time rather than pay large legal fees for a 'negligent hiring' lawsuit.
All in order to add to the bottom line. And with volume that bottom line adds up quickly.
Some background check companies like to play the odds in favor that an on the job incicdent might never occur and fool themselves into a feeling of security that the dollars they save now will offset the litgation costs later.
They forget the promise they gave you, the customer, that their work is of the highest quality.
Moral: Do not be fooled into thinking your criminal record searches are being done the best way possible.
Straightline International has numerous examples of the missed records by many pre-employmenrt screening companies that use Puerto Rico police clearance.
You do not want to do business with a company that tries to sell or has sold you on the quality of their work based upon Puerto Rico police clearances.
I will give you Straightline's contact info below. Find out yourself.
Contact Straightline International at or call +1-866-909-6678.
Ask for Dennis Brownstein.
Let's not settle for a few dollars more in favor of a few lives saved.
Your employees will thank you for that.
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